Weekly Recap: Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2015

This week, we were all about Valentine’s day. I have to admit that Valentine’s day is not my favorite at school but my kiddos are always so excited about “Valentime’s day.”

One of my favorite Valentine’s books is “Love, Splat.” The kids always get a chuckle out of Splat’s crush on Kitten. We practiced Cause and Effect with this book from my new minilesson.


I had some fun drawing Splat on our anchor chart. Coloring is such a stress reliever.

After I read the book, my students wrote a cause and effect from the book on a printable from my pack. My students did such a great job identifying causes and effects in this book.

One of my new favorite books is Crankenstein. We did a sequencing lesson on “A Crankenstein Valentine” from my new minilesson pack


Some of my kiddos have a hard time with sequencing because they want to include every detail in the story. So with this lesson, I kinda combined sequencing and summarizing.

For the anchor chart, I drew Crankenstein but my students helped me come with the important events in the story. After we did this together, they had to write the sequence of the story in their own words.

We also made our owl bags to hold our Valentines. These are my favorite Valentine bags to make because they are so easy to make and they turn out so cute.

For their Valentine treats, I made these great Valentine science bags from Teach-a-roo. Click here to see the pack. My students loved these and they can maybe learn something at home.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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